Published Health & Wellness Content
The War of the Waters
In recent years, LaCroix has earned a cult following for being the seltzer drink of choice among young, hip folks. But now the sparkling water icon is getting fizzled out due to a pending class-action lawsuit that accuses LaCroix of false advertising.
The United States of Unhealthy?
We are living longer as a society, but we are collectively sicker than ever before. America's Health Rankings highlight troubling levels of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and an increase in sedentary behavior across the board. All the while, we have medical professionals, new medications, and experimental drugs that are helping us live longer despite getting sicker.
Why Intermittent Fasting Isn’t a Level Playing Field
Diet trends come and go. Different ritualistic styles of fasting have been practiced for millennia. Not many are aware that Gautama Buddha, Pythagoras, and Confucius were all hip to fasting.
Alternatives to Ambien That Can Help You and Elon Musk Sleep Better at Night
Tesla founder Elon Musk has been having a tough time lately. It appears the stress of running one of the most technologically advanced automobile companies, an interstellar rocket business, and an experimental earth drilling project, is finally catching up with Elon.
What “Breaking Bad” Failed to Mention About Meth
Much attention has been directed at America’s massive opioid problem. And as a result, the issue of methamphetamine (meth) abuse in the U.S. has probably fallen to the wayside.
The Health Routine That Makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg One Incredible Supreme Court Justice
Today marks the 25th anniversary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, and Ruth shows no signs of slowing down. Not only is Ruth Bader Ginsburg a true trailblazer in the women’s rights arena, but she also has been a blinding beacon of light for human rights advocates for decades.
Most Obese States Revealed. Where Does Your State Fall and How Can You Be Proactive?
We’ve got a big fat problem. America’s obesity rates are still on the rise. And if the number you see when you step on your scale at home scares you, check out these recent findings from the State of Obesity 2018 Report.
Attention Pregnant Moms: Are You Eating Fish?
New studies show that fish, raw or cooked, may have a plethora of health benefits for mothers and their babies. However, particularly with eating raw fish, there are some risks a pregnant woman might want to consider.
This Sandwich Shop Has Caused Quite the Allergic Reaction
When Celia Marsh, 42 of Wiltshire, England, went to Pret a Manger for a quick bite to eat, she didn’t know that she’d be paying for it with her life.
What Does Nutrition Have to do with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
CTS affects somewhere between 4-10 million Americans and is one of the most common treatable nerve disorders.
The Curd Wars: Processed Cheese vs. Real Cheese
With cow’s milk sales slumping, large-scale dairy farmers have been using domestic cheeses, such as blocks of American cheese, as a crutch to weather the storm
Transform Your Health with Radicchio
Not very many of us know a lot about radicchio. It is one of those vegetables that seems to linger on the sidelines. Often used in salads or as a plating accessory in high-end restaurants, radicchio is so grossly underutilized it has become insulting.
Nuts for Nutmeg? You Should Be
When it comes to spices, nutmeg and mace have a very symbiotic relationship. Nutmeg and mace grow closely together and are found inside the fruits of the Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) tree.
Love Oregano? Maximize its Health Benefits
Oregano is one of the “largest selling” culinary herbs. But this perennial herb isn’t just for spicing up your pizza and elevating your pasta sauce. Oregano, as an essential oil, has a wealth of medicinal properties and can be used both orally and topically.
Peppermint. There’s Much More to It Than You Think
Peppermint may be one of the most versatile and overlooked plants around. It is a natural hybrid of watermint and spearmint and is part of the mint (Lamiaceae) family. This prolific plant can be used whole or fashioned into essential oils for medicinal use.
The Season of Pumpkin Spice
The pumpkin spice trend seems to never end. It may be the only thing that feuding pop-stars Katy Perry and Taylor Swift tend to agree on.
We’d Like To Substitute Some Harsh Truths About Your Artificial Sweeteners
For many, artificial sweeteners, like Splenda and Equal, seem heaven-sent when it comes to satisfying that sweet craving without the extra calories. But if your gut tells you artificial sweeteners are too good to be true, your gut might be correct.
Nutritional Solutions to Help You Fight Gum Disease
The CDC reports that nearly half of adults in the United States, over the age of 30, have periodontal disease. That number swells to 70 percent for adults 65 and older. In those affected, bacteria triggers inflammation of the tissues that surround the teeth, which can lead to health problems.
You’re Not Too Young to Get Colorectal Cancer!
It is reportedly the third most common cancer in both men and women in the United States. It is also the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in American people, according to the American Cancer Society.
How to Sleep Your Way to Good Health
Having a set bedtime isn’t just for the little ones. Recently, Duke Health and the Duke Clinical Institute released some very revealing research results as it pertains to sleep patterns in adults. The results from this study suggested that sticking to a regular bedtime may improve metabolic health and help control our weight.
Why Healthy School Lunches Are Important
Just as adults need a balanced diet of all six nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, water, protein, vitamins, and minerals), children and young adults are even more in need of these nutrients to help build healthy bones, increase cognitive functioning and bolster their immune systems.
Young Adults Are Eating Their Hearts Out, Literally!
Sadly, the numbers don’t lie. Obesity rates for adults and minors continue to swell in certain parts of the United States. For example, West Virginia reportedly has the highest adult obesity rate at 37.7 percent.
Research suggests diets abundant in fruits, vegetables, and other unprocessed foods promote lasting happiness. Read on to learn more about nutritional healthcare
What to Say If You Ever Get Asked Why You Drink Kombucha
Chances are you have heard, seen, or clicked on an ad that mentioned kombucha fermented tea products. The marketing juggernaut propelling kombucha to celebrity status has really pushed this fizzy, gut-loving elixir to the forefront of the domestic drink section.
Post Halloween Dental Tips
If you are a parent, chances are you’re still staring at a sizeable pile of sugary snacks from the Halloween haul. Try as you might, it is never easy to convince your child to part ways with their knapsack full of candy.
Not to Ruin Your Day, but Meat-Free Burgers May be Full of Sodium
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends consuming no more than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day. And for many adults, sodium intake should be no more than 1,500 mg. But on average, Americans eat more than 3,400 mg of sodium per day, with more than 70 percent of this sodium coming from packaged, prepared, and restaurant foods (not the actual salt shaker).